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Classic Synergy Media is more than IT, photography, videography, and graphic design. It is your catalyst for making a mark in the world; building your brand, maintaining your brand, and expanding your brand with the utmost care.

Anthony Greer, Owner/LEAD CREATIVE 


I started this business out of love; love for the experience of creating content and lasting memories through the camera and on the computer. I believe in helping those who may have a lack of confidence or lack the ability to get out of their comfort zones because I've been there. Once I did it, I felt free and I hope to help others through this endeavor. I also love creating connections with people and this is a great way to do that because you never know the type of influence you can have on someone's life; even through taking their photos.

Professional Photographers of America Color Logo


Angela brings experience from the entertainment and hospitality industry; an industry that can definitely benefit from our services. She helps facilitate relationships with partnering organizations.




AuShawna brings a fresh perspective to the business and carries the love for helping clients express themselves. With outreach becoming a huge undertaking, her ability to reach the people is helping elevate the Classic Synergy experience to the next level.


Whether you’re an individual trying to step out of your comfort zone or a business looking to elevate in one way or another, we knowledge the following challenges:

  • Trusting someone to do the work right and maintain communication

  • Finding a group that respects the work you do

  • Finding a group that is willing to pivot or provide advisement for potential image/brand pivots


We work by ensuring we add that personal touch to make the experience one you'll never forget. Our specialty is making you feel special with whatever needs you may have., by tailoring our services to exactly what you need.


Lift ‘em up tape by Multinude, a Georgia-based black woman-owned business, dedicated to providing women with complexion-friendly fashion accessories including pasties, lift tape, and fashion tape.

We are committing ourselves as a black-owned business to expose our clients to other black-owned businesses in the process. Our photoshoot care kit includes products from a black-owned business and we list black-owned businesses as resources to find what you need to make your project pop!

We are proud to have worked with the following entities:

  • BBF Family Services (Chicago, IL)

  • Mizzou Black Women Rock (Columbia, MO)

  • National Society of Black Engineers (Houston, TX, Kansas City, MO)

  • Jos. R. Jones Funeral Home (Chicago, IL)

  • University of Missouri - McNair Scholars Program (Columbia, MO)

  • First Baptist Institutional Church (Chicago, IL)

  • Bronzeville Scholastic Institute (Chicago, IL)

  • Charles Deneen Academy Alumni Association (Chicago, IL)

  • CKC Memorial Chapel (Chicago/Westchester, IL)

  • Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. - Delta Omega Chapter (Columbia, MO)